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 Kitaro knight

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Number of posts : 62
Age : 30
Registration date : 2008-07-02

Kitaro knight Empty
PostSubject: Kitaro knight   Kitaro knight Icon_minitimeWed Jul 02, 2008 11:47 pm

Name:Knight Kitaro

Age 28

Clan (custom knight)

Clan Info clan of muscular warriors whose skin can turn into a pitch black armor which can only be penetrated by 2 things 1.something blessed by the diety at the top of the knight clan mountain or 2. incredibly powerful at least A rank attacks (chidori dents it) the armor decreases mobility by 2/3 and speed by 3/4 but keeps power even and increases defense through the roof. This is an ancient clan with very few members in it and no leader clan members cannot battle with eachother and until they are 20 cannot activate the ability there is no trans clan breeding allowed and for some reason clan members can easily live to 100 and it has been recorded 1000 years old

Rank missing ninja

Personality an ambitious man with 1 hope to defeat every opponet and prove that he is the strongest in the entire world and he never backs down from a challenge but as of now he listens to orders from his superiors and never questions authority as the perfect soldier should occasionly allows himself to be hired to a village as a defender or warrior in times of need and war

Special Abilities dark steel armor (clan abilty as told in clan info)

Best Abilities ninjutsu main weapons/taijutsu sub

Elements electric main darkness sub


shadow clone jutsu
rank C
creates copies of the user that dissapear if touched

multi shadow clone jutsu
rank B
creates a large amount of copies that dissapear if damaged

infinate shadow clone jutsu
rank A
creates an infinate number of copies that dissapear if damaged

rank A
creates 3 clouds that converge on an enemy each releasing a mighty lightning bolt

lightning bending jutsu
rank A
allows the user to control a lightning bolt and move it to his will

Alondite jutsu
rank C
summons Kitaro's mystic sword blessed by his godess called the Alondite

armor thicken jutsu
rank B
the knight armor thickens but again decreases mobility and speed

lightning encasment jutsu
rank B
surrounds the user and a single opponet in a dome made of pure lightning drawn from the sky the opponets cannot leave until 1 has been killed

rewarp jutsu
rank A
teleport the user to any area in the world but drains chakra depending on how far the user traveled BUT DRAINS HUGE CHAKRA

Lunar swipe jutsu
rank B
using the sword alondite the user can hit anything and break it

lightning equip jutsu
rank B
attaches a thin layer of lightning nearly invisible to target making it go at 1.5x its regular speed and easier and lighter to move

lightning sword
rank A
creates a sword of lightning that can go at 3x the regular speed of a sword being held by the creator

lightning blade
rank A
if you dont know what it is watch kakashi fight zabuza and kill haku with it

partial knight attack (arm)
rank C (taijutsu)
the users arm is covered with the knight armor giving it extra weight to attack

partial knight attack (leg)
rank C (taijutsu)
the users leg is covered with the knight armor giving it extra weight to attack

History Kitaro hid about in the shadows of his clan never quite feeling like 1 of them until he joined the lightning village army they taught him some basic lightning stuff like lightning equip and they taught him shadow clone but his need for knowledge was constantly expanding so he began to expiriment turning shadow clones into multi shadow clones then infinate clones then lightning equip to lightning sword his most treasured moment in life was when he was met by a student of Kakashi hatake and learned lightning blade but his true love in life was his sword he names it Alondite after his father Zelgius's sword was defeated and taken Kitaro learned and developed how to put chakra into his sword and move it with increased ease and in the army he moved up the ranks starting out as a non shinobi (he hid his jutsu and chakra control) expendable and ending up in the scpl jounin and jounin and even for a team he was a sergent to some new recruits but the military tried to steal his blade after he made the ultimate journey to his clans mountain and gotten it blessed by the godess himself he left the army but always remained a loyal soldier to the lightning village aiding them wherever they went looking for new enemies to defeat

RP Sample:

from another site but the head admin has seen me play before hope you like it

The grass gently blew in the mild breeze IIchiro was in a meditation position muttering something about emo pie with a
empty sake bottle on the ground beside him . Still in the position IIchiro keeled over onto his side stiff as anything . " Stupid Pie

Kitaro appeared all right eiichiro this is bound to be a good fight are you ready to begin

IIchiro raised a hand, still on the floor " ready when you are

All right I guess the first attack belongs to me
infinate shadow clone jutsu 1000 clones surrounded Eiichiro all grinning and then all of them dissapeared and reapeared behind eiichiro 1000 clones all lined up each holding weapons or preforming handsigns

IIchiro got up andd noticed the clones " s**** where'd they come from "

the clones circled eiichiro and began to close in

As the clones darted fowards IIchiro ducked under and backhanded the nearest one
sending it sprawling into another one " Now What "

guess you dont understand then Eiichiro you are circled in and more are hovering above just then all of them used joint syle total seperation jutsu and about 1 million bodies and chakra archers made of body parts and puppets with no bodies and heads with chakra bodies came and all attacked Eiichiro wtih all there letal force (if you get hit by much your dead)

IIchiro runs through all the hand signs " swapping jutsu " him and kitaro swap places
so kitaro takes the brunt of the attack ...

eiichiro switches with a clone and the clones just gets hit a few times and poofs then turn and attack Ukon with basically the same force

With a Small smile creeping across his face showing Kitaro his cut wrist. Dodging the attack IIchiro
slams his wrist onto a scroll ...

Kitaro summoned Gamubunta to battle Emo the giant snake... and it continues sorry thats a bit of bad role playing there but if you accept me you will see better

Last edited by Kitaro on Thu Jul 03, 2008 11:10 am; edited 3 times in total
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Lukia Ukiku
Lukia Ukiku

Number of posts : 129
Registration date : 2008-06-26

Kitaro knight Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kitaro knight   Kitaro knight Icon_minitimeThu Jul 03, 2008 6:28 am

~ You cannot have...

Alondite eclipse
rank S
the alondite sword moves at a blinding speed that brings the entire weight of the user+force+speed+pureadrenal strength resulting in a hit so deadly some kage's would die upon the hit.

Kage's are the most powerful shinobi...

rewarp jutsu
rank A
teleport the user to any area in the world but drains chakra depending on how far the user traveled.

Any place in the world, that would take a huge amount of chakra...

lightning equip jutsu
rank C
attaches a thin layer of lightning nearly invisible to target making it go at 1.5x its regular speed and easier and lighter to move

That should be a B or an A rank...

~ Where are your Taijutsu abilities?

That's all^^
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Number of posts : 62
Age : 30
Registration date : 2008-07-02

Kitaro knight Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kitaro knight   Kitaro knight Icon_minitimeThu Jul 03, 2008 11:10 am

i changed everything you said i should
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Lukia Ukiku
Lukia Ukiku

Number of posts : 129
Registration date : 2008-06-26

Kitaro knight Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kitaro knight   Kitaro knight Icon_minitimeThu Jul 03, 2008 3:59 pm

Better, approved.
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PostSubject: Re: Kitaro knight   Kitaro knight Icon_minitime

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