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 knight clan (open to all new users)

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Number of posts : 62
Age : 30
Registration date : 2008-07-02

knight clan (open to all new users) Empty
PostSubject: knight clan (open to all new users)   knight clan (open to all new users) Icon_minitimeWed Jul 09, 2008 11:39 am

members atm Kitaro
clan leader atm Kitaro
council members none
prime counsellor none
clan ways/rules
1. never let an outsider climb the clan mountain
2. never assist the akatsuki
3. never let an outsider into your hut without permission from the clan leader
4. always were your armor when not in the clan hq.
5. to become leader defeat the current leader in a no jutsu no keke duel
6. clan leader has the right to violate rules 4 and 3
7. clan leaders have the right to declare war on clans and villages
8. clan leaders chosse there own coucil
9. council members only hold political power over other members
10. council members have the right to veto clan leader in war decisions only
11. to veto a war decision 75% of council members must vote against
12. council members vote counts as 1
13. clan leaders vote counts as 3
14. clan leader must have a council of 3 or more people if that many are currently in clan
15. war time must be followed by all knight clan members citizens leaders and counsellors
16. a prime counsellor can be had but is under the decision of the clan leader
17. prime counsellor votes count as 2
18. prime counsellot can veto a war time decision with 40% of the counsel
19. all clan leaders must stay clan leaders until death or defeat
20. defeated clan leaders must duel members again for rank and position among the citizenry if the new clan leader does not decide to bring them onto there council

clan history
the knight clan began at the begginning of the time of shinobi and wandered to the mountainous land they now call home nearly 10,000 years ago before many shinobi were even learning about chakra the knight clan kekegenkai used to only be able to cover 1 chosen area of the body about 1/2 a meter in diameter but now covers the entire body the clan lived in peace with a mountain that was never climbed and seemingly thought impossible to climb. The clan leader 5,000 years ago climbed the mountain and at the top there was a door The leader went in the door and met the godess an ultimate life form in another world the godess cannot leave the door and if you enter she decides if you may leave the door is her own dimmension and in ancient times the only way to become a man was to go through the door and return alive and still human the godess can alter you improve you make you weak make you strong make you nothing turn you into insects turn you to a giant anything if you enter the door as time progressed and the kekegenkai inhanced to cover your entire body and no longer was the door allowed to be entered by outsiders the knight clan closed off there doors to outsiders and only let them in with the clan leader himself or with permission and constant watch the knight clan also rarely leaves there mountain lands but does and most members that have usually become at least jounin and usually anbu black ops in the leaf village finally the door was shut off to everyone but the clan leader who only goes to the door in times of great joy and great sorrow
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knight clan (open to all new users)
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